Having trouble collecting from people who owe you money? Sometimes, individuals or companies who wish to withhold payment for debt or an obligation will attempt to hide their assets from those who may have legal interest in them. Hidden assets are commonly encountered in divorce suits, but these may also be factors in cases of debtors who wish to avoid or delay their payments.
Conducting Unbiased Corporate Investigations for Employee Misconduct
Has anyone in your workplace cried foul over a co-worker’s behavior; or acted in a way that might have jeopardized others or the company’s reputation and profitability? There are various types and degrees of behavior that can fall under the general definition of employee misconduct–ranging from simple acts that would require only a written or oral reprimand, to huge ones, which could mean dismissal from the company.
Work of Private Detectives and Investigators Vital to Decision-Making
Professional Surveillance Investigator Helps Uncover Employee Theft
Employee theft seems to be something that is overlooked when it comes to loss in stores, but in reality, it is something that could even be more alarming than theft by outsiders. Admittedly, overt internal investigations can cause unwanted tension in the workplace. While these may eventually be needed, perhaps a better place to start would be surveillance. An experienced surveillance investigator can help in uncovering any case of employee theft as discreetly as possible.
Expert Asset Investigations Can Bring Debtors’ Hidden Assets to Light
Secrecy has been a part of asset protection planning for a long time. According to an article in Forbes.com: “Some folks don’t want their competitors to know how well or how poorly they are doing, or that they have made key investments or divested assets.” The article further says: “Some folks think that the less potential claimants can find in potential assets, the less of a target they are to lawsuits”. Thorough asset investigations can help reveal any hidden assets and properly identify a debtor’s possessions.
Corporate Investigations: Why Companies Need to Conduct One Often
Corporate investigations occur daily to protect companies, and their investors and employees. Companies hire corporate investigators to protect their funds and interests, and to make sure no one is stealing from them. These measures are implemented as well to make sure companies are striving to achieve their best potential. There are different parts or kinds of corporate investigations.
What You Need to Know Before You Start Engaging in Asset Investigation
If you are in a position where a person or a group owes you money, but they claim they can’t pay you, you can benefit from asset investigations. Asset investigations can take place in a number of circumstances, including cases that involve spousal support during a divorce settlement or in a global business dispute. Essentially, asset investigators work as detectives that aim to uncover the financial holdings of those who would rather keep these records hidden.
Using Asset Investigations for an Effective Debt Collection Solution
Being indebted, regardless of how much is owed, can indeed be a difficult and frustrating experience. Not known to most debtors, these are the same sentiments that creditors feel when they don’t get paid back. Creditors also desire to wipe out all loans as much as borrowers do, but only when they get back what is rightly owed them, or at least, as much of that as possible.
Corporate Investigations Can Aid Insurers in the Fight Against Fraud
Private Investigators and Employee Surveillance
Every Employer wants an environment energized and motivated while being focused and following the rules. This comes naturally to many, but in some situations, these concepts are difficult to follow for certain employees. The behavior one would expect from a responsible adult is unfortunately absent. Everyone is entitled to their good and bad days, but specific patterns of behavior require more attention. If the employee denies inappropriate behavior and you are finding it challenging to prove said behavior exists, it may be appropriate to hire a professional to investigate.
Private Investigators for Non-Compete Enforcement
According to the recent Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), a “non-compete agreement” is an agreement between an employer and their employees “that restricts such employee from performing, after the employment relationship… terminates (1) Any work for another employer for a specified period of time. (2) Any work in a specified geographical area or (3) Any work for another employer that is similar to such employee’s work for the employer that is a party to such agreement.” In addition to this generalized definition, the Act explicitly states it does not prohibit agreements that forbid the disclosure of trade secrets.
Why You Should Hire a Surveillance Investigator to Get at the Truth
In a perfect world, you would be able to trust the word of others without having a cause to question their honesty. Unfortunately, the world isn’t perfect and not everyone is as honest as you’d like. From missing items at the workplace to insurance claims, many people try to scam the system and get away with whatever they can. Regardless of the situation, a private investigator with surveillance skills and technology can help you get to the truth of the matter.
Cheating Spouse? Surveillance Investigations Can Give Your Mind Peace
FMLA Surveillance of Employees
Supplier Fraud and Your Company
3 Ways to Prevent Internal Theft
Due Diligence before Investments, Mergers or Acquisitions
Due diligence is now considered standard practice in the corporate setting. Most often used for the vetting process of potential vendors, contractors, executives and business partners. It’s also expected during mergers & acquisitions. Found out how due diligence came to be as well as why it’s important today.
Asset Investigation and Insurance
Insurance is unquestionably no stranger to hidden assets. Subrogation and insurance fraud both being examples of when an insurance company intends to recover monies paid and often that money isn’t readily accessible. Hidden asset investigations during these recoveries ultimately help both the insurance company’s bottom line and keep premiums lower for the customers.